Exploring the Influential Sounds of Eighties Electronic Music

The era of the 1980s witnessed an explosion of electronic music, which rapidly gained popularity and influence. Artists pioneered the use of synthesizers, drum machines, and samplers to create unique soundscapes that were unlike anything heard before. As the distinct sound of electronic instruments took over the airwaves, a sense of innovation and experimentation became the driving force behind this new wave of music.

"Glowing Energy" is a very simple composition celebrating the dynamic energy and positive tune of the first electronic scores of those golden years.In this track we used glorious synths like Korg Poly800 and Yamaha DX7 and a special Star Place was reserved to the legendary Roland 808 drum machine.Developed by Roland, the 808's iconic sounds formed the foundation of countless electronic tracks during the eighties and beyond. Its deep booming bass and snappy snares became instantly recognizable and much sought after, both in underground clubs and mainstream radio hits.

The vibrant and dynamic world of eighties electronic music has left an indelible mark on the fabric of the music industry. With its famous 808 drum kit, energetic vibe, and positive tunes, this genre continues to resonate with listeners, reminding us of an era defined by innovation, experimentation, and boundless creativity. As we celebrate the enduring legacy of eighties electronic music, let us embrace these timeless sounds that have transcended time and forever changed the landscape of modern music.

  • Composition : Original
  • Label:Sonyka Music
  • Rights Registration - Management / :Soundreef
  • Availabilty:Apple Music / Amazon Music /